Fine Quality Unheated Blue Sapphire Engagement Ring

Blue Sapphire Engagement Rings are fast gaining popularity, especially since Kate Middleton was proposed to with one.

Requesting for a blue sapphire sounds relatively simple enough. And how hard can it be to customise that special, ideal engagement ring? But there are actually several considerations to be thought through before settling on that ideal piece.

  • Shade of blue: Light blue? Medium Blue? Deep? Inky Blue? Royal Blue?
  • Fine quality should be evenly-toned and well-saturated colour.
  • When viewing the loose gem, pay attention that as the gem is tilted/rocked from side-to-side, that there is colour throughout the entire gem. Commercial quality sapphires tend to have colour-banding/colour-zones whereby certain parts of the gem are colourless.
  • Why are sapphires with colour-bands/colour-zones considered commercial quality? It is common for sapphires to exhibit these streaks of blue, due to the way the rock is formed. While this does not affect the integrity of the gem, it certainly does not enhance the aesthetic beauty of the gem. Hence, a market premium is paid for well-saturated and evenly coloured gems.
  • Unheat or Heat?: Again, this is entirely a matter of personal preference. However, heated sapphires are easily found and beautiful heated sapphires are plenty abound. So, if one is able to chance upon a aesthetically beautiful gem that is 100% untreated and unheated, it would add to the value of the gem. 
  • What is your choice of metal?
  • What style of ring? What sort of design? This will affect budget too.

Featured below is a custom-made, eye-catching medium-blue unheated sapphire ring set in 950 pure platinum, with E-F diamonds. Notice how the sapphire seems to glow from within! Very good lustre and brilliancy, evenly-toned with a strong medium blue hue. This eye-catching piece is a stunner even without the aid of direct light source.


*Photo above taken indoors with incandescent light.



All photos and videos have been taken under natural daylight (unless otherwise specified). No filters or artificial photoshop or enhancement done to the photos and videos.